The Latest Shomberg News
(See all recent news, or for items from before 2009, see the news archive)
"Georgia" Goes Winners Bitch
Another Great Day !!! We're Still Smilin'......... *********************************************************************************************************************** Vancouver Kennel Club Ridgefield, WA October 24. 2009 Judge " Ms. Kathryn Cowsert Winners Bitch Shomberg 'N Northwind's A Little Tipsey........"Georgia" ( CH.Wyndbourne Endeavour JH NRD ROMX x NSC/ BIS/ BISS CH.Shomberg's Some Like It Hot ROM) The lovely Georgia is owned, loved and shown in the conformation ring by Becky Greenway of WA. We are very proud of this beautiful young bitch as she moves toward her championship and we are so appreciative to Becky for allowing her the opportunity to represent Shomberg. We are exceptionally proud of these girls. Congratulations !!!!
Quite The Weekend !!!
Another great weekend for Shomberg dogs gives us reason to celebrate !! BIS/BISS CH.Shomberg's One Hot Ticket Deppe Haus....."Simmer" (CH.Wyndbourne Endeavour JH NRD ROMX x NSC/BIS/BISS CH.Shomberg's Some Like It Hot ROM ) begins it all on Friday in Springfield, MA with a Best of Breed under Judge Judy Harrington and continues on Saturday with yet another best of Breed and a Sporting Group Third win under Judge Ron Menaker for owners, Jim Deppen, Mimi Winkler and Sharon. Saturday October 24,2009......Mason-Dixon GSP Specialty Show *********************************************************************************************************** Judge Jim Martin awards Winners Dog and Best of Winners for a 4 pt. major win from the 9- 12 month puppy class in only his 4th. show to "Shomberg's Timeless Masterpiece"...."Chance" (CH.Shomberg's Sparks Will Fly SH x CH.Shomberg's Olympic Gold ) Chance is also awarded Best of Opposite In Puppy Sweepstakes under judge David Gontz And as always he was skillfully and handsomely presented to these wins by Patty Crowley for his very excited and proud owners, Van & Connie Smith of MD who walked away with many lovely awards to commemorate the days' wins. Pretty exciting to have a puppy do this at this ageand we are all very proud of this handsome youngster who appears to have quite a future ahead of him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shomberg's Olympic Flame......"Sara" (BIS CH.Wyndbourne The Chances Are JH x CH.Shomberg's Pawnee Love Song JH CGC ) Sara came away with her own lovely awards for her Specialty Reserve Winners Bitch for proud and beaming owners, Wayne & Nancy Kulig of VA. Sara is also presented in the show ring exclusively by Patty Crowley who always showcases her beautiful movement and classic style. This girl makes heads turn !! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BISS CH.Shomberg 'N DeBars One For The Road ....."Stoli" (CH.Wyndbourne Endeavour JH NRD ROMX x NSC/BIS/BISS CH.Shomberg's Some Like It Hot ROM ) Stoli is awarded a Specialty Show Award of Merit in Best of Breed competition by Judge Jim Martin. Presented by co-breeder Patty Crowley for Jack & Sue Johnson of VA, this strikingly stylish bitch has such fluid and sound movemnet, classic style and correct structure that she continues to catch the eye of every judge who sees her. We are all so very proud of Stoli who represents the next generation of outstanding Shomberg bitches to take the show ring by storm. When the girls show up.........lookout !! And Stoli is no exception. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday......October 25, 2009 The Weekend Continues !!! "Chance" takes Reserve Winners Dog to the major from the 9 to 12 puppy class...Way To Go !! ( Presented by Patty ) "Sara" is awarded Winners Bitch for the major under judge Ann Savory Bolus......Wooo Hooooo !!! (Presented by Patty ) "Stoli" competes with big sister "Simmer" in the Best of Breed Class and does it with style.....Game On !! (Presented by Patty ) "Simmer" is awarded Best of Breed by Judge Ann Savory Bolus and continues on to a Sporting Group Two with the crowd cheering their approval. Handled beautifully in the Breed and Group rings by her handler, Pamela Bober, for Jim, Mimi and Sharon How much better could it get ????? We are so very appreciative to the owners and handlers of these beautiful Shomberg dogs who make us so very proud. For all that *you* do for them and for us, we say "Thank you". Steve & Sharon
Simmer Makes A Little Bit Of History !!
Wow !! It was one helluva weekend !!!! Not too sure about the record books but we surely did have a fabulous weekend to celebrate ************************************************************************************************************************************* Best In Show and Multiple Group Winning CH.Shomberg's One Hot Ticket Deppe Haus......."Simmer" (Top Producing CH.Wyndbourne Endeavour JH NRD ROMX & Top Producing Muliple BIS/NSC/BISS CH.Shomberg's Some Like It Hot ROM ) was awarded 4 consecutive Sporting Group One awards and an All Breed Best In Show Sincere appreciation to our Judges : Mrs.Betsy Yates Mr.Sam Houston McDonald Mrs. Judith Goodin Mr.Tom Feneis Mr.Richard Powell Mrs.Sharon Lyons What a thrill to have produced a lovely bitch that is recognized by so many judges from all over the country and to have it happen without one page of paid advertising as so many others have done. It is a testament to her quality and her place in the record books for her breed. We are so very thankful to the many supporters and our friends in the breed who continually recognize and congratulate us on Simmer's accomplishments. We are deeply grateful to Jim & Mimi for showcasing this beautiful bitch at their own personal and financial expense and for allowing her to achieve so many wonderful awards. Not unlike her dam, Monroe, she too is making dreams come true. Thank you, Pam, for always being a professional and for never allowing Simmer to look anything less than perfectly groomed, conditioned, shown and more importantly.......happy. Congratulations to Jim, Mimi, Pam, Grandma Patty and Grandma Sue !!! This certainly has been a very exciting year and it isn't over yet 
Picot Takes Her First Best of Winners Award
We are very happy and equally proud to announce that "Shomberg's Perfect Timing" (CH.Shomberg's Sparks Will Fly SH x CH.Shomberg's Olympic Gold ) was awarded Winners Bitch and Best of Winners at the Monticello Kennel Club Show Friday..........October 9, 2009 Breeder- Judge : Mrs. Betsy Yates She was named "Picot" ( pronounced Peeko ) after an exquisite timepiece known for its' timeless beauty, its' quality and its' perfect movement. It's a fitting name because she certainly embodies it all. This youngster is already causing heads to turn and we're quite certain that it will only continue as she moves toward her championship title and the many awards yet to come her way. Sincere "Congratulations" to John and Anne Marie Tierney of NY who own and love this stylish, little bitch and allow her the opportunities to show and represent Shomberg in such a lovely way. We are very proud and very appreciative for all of their efforts and their personal sacrifices in having Picot out there for the whole world to see and admire. Thank you and Congratulations !!
Monroe's Daughter "Simmer" Wins Best In Show !!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Friday...........October 9, 2009 Today in New Jersey at the Monticello Kennel Club Show Multiple BISS & Group Winning CH.Shomberg's One Hot Ticket Deppe Haus (GSPCA Top Producing Show Sire CH.Wyndbourne Endeavour JH NRD ROMX & GSPCA Top Producing Show Dam NSC/BIS/BISS CH.Shomberg's Some Like It Hot ROM ) " Simmer" wins All- Breed Best In Show under respected Best In Show Judge, Mr.Sam Houston McDonald Breed & Sporting Group..... Breeder-Judge......Mrs. Betsy Yates How very fitting that this show was dedicated to the memory of our dear friend in the Shorthair breed, Mr.Jim Burns. Jim presented Monroe with the GSPCA National Specialty Best of Breed win in 2004. He was a respected AKC Judge, a nationally recognized breeder of champion Shorthairs and Vizslas and he is very much missed by all of us who knew him and enjoyed so many great years in his friendship. So this was a very special day as Jim's wife, June, was ringside to see Simmer continue her dam's winning ways on this very special day. We are so happy that Patty and Jim & Mimi were there to see it happen as well among other wonderful friends and supporters. As always, Simmer was presented magnificently by her handler, Pamela Bober, who always does such a lovely job with her. Pam, we so appreciate your efforts. What a team !! Sincere "Congratulations " to Jim and Mimi and thank you for allowing Simmer to represent "Shomberg" in such an outstanding way. We are very honored indeed and acknowledge the effort and financial sacrifice you make to have Simmer in this level of competition. Thank you, Patty. You are always ringside and always supporting Simmer just as you do all of the Monroe "kids". It never goes un-noticed or without deep appreciation for all that you have done and continue to do in Monroe's memory. She loved you so and she always will. We know why. A special thank you and "Congratulations" as well to Sue Harrison of Wyndbourne, the owner of "Shain", who is Simmer's sire. We know she's every bit as proud as we are and that she was cheering in Florida and now lifting a toast. One helluva combination, kiddo !! Our unwaivering love and dedication to the "dog who made dreams come true", our beautiful Roe Roe. Precious girl, loved beyond words and missed so deeply every day .........it is all because of you. Sharon & Steve ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A true testament to the quality of this lovely bitch is the fact that she has achieved her awards and continued her climb to the top of the GSPCA winning statistics without a single page of paid advertising or financial supporters endorsing her. That pretty much says it all. You go girl !!!