The Latest Shomberg News
(See all recent news, or for items from before 2009, see the news archive)
Pup-date.....February 26, 2009
The puppies have found that their daytime hours spent in the kitchen with me allow them to be more adventurous and they have quickly become accustomed to a routine. Breakfast at 7 a.m. in the kitchen affords them the opportunity to eat and then play.......play, sleep and play even more. This continues until their bedtime sometime between 9:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m., at which time they are moved back into their enclosure where they proceed to tear up the paper and have a melee of sorts prior to crashing into their bed for a night's sleep. It sounds like a mini war but it is great fun for them I'm sure.
You just haven't lived until you try to fix a meal in a kitchen with 9 rambunctious puppies underfoot. Welcome to my world !! The smells of our dinner being prepared are just as enticing as the smells that eminate from their own food pans at scheduled feeding times so you only need imagine the dance that I do with them dashing in and around my legs. Sometimes it just isn't pretty but it surely can be hilarious to the casual observer who giggles at my "dance moves". I can be rather amazing in my ability to move quickly and land on my feet in such a way as to avoid stepping onto those tiny puppy paws and that's not easy for a person my age. It's less of a contact sport and more along the lines of ballet actually 
I am seeing very clear differences in the personality traits that I suspect will change little as they mature into grown adults. Subtle body language can be a clear indicator of rank within the pack order. Puppies that I once thought might be more sub-dued in nature have taken on a totally different demeanor while others that I had suspicioned would be bold and out there......are now more content to be in the background. Do not mistake my words in that no one puppy tends to be shy or lacking confidence but there are clearly a few who view themselves as always in control of any situation. I must say that this litter is one of the most mellow litters I have ever raised here. They are easily made happy and quite content in every regard. They love to be held and cuddled and attention is most welcome to each and every puppy.
That said, I can assure every perspective new owner that when they go to their new homes, they will begin to emerge into the active and energy laced little creatures that every single German Shorthair is destined to be. I have no illusions that they will be couch potatoes because that clearly won't happen so don't think for a minute that it will. They are bundles of energy that run laps around the kitchen table and then joyfully pounce on their littermates whether they are prepared or not. Playtime is a time for roughhousing and the occasional ear tug and tail biting. It's all in a day's play for this little band of active 6 week old shorthairs who take great delight in an occasional ankle bite or attacking my hand as I attempt to pick up their droppings....sometimes making more mess than they did the first time around.
I am always asked if I am sad when the day comes for them to go to their new homes. The answer is that while I will always miss them and will forever love them, I know that I am placing them with wonderful families who will enjoy their antics and their aptitude for making me laugh every bit as much. Racing me for the mop as it scurries across the floor to clean endless puddles and jumping into multiple layers of paper towels laden with discarded " food no longer in use" is more than one person should claim to enjoy for weeks on end. Why should I have all of the fun ????
But yes, I will surely miss each and every little face that looks at me at the beginning of every morning and the last thing every night as if to let me know that I am the most important being in their life right now. It really is the best and I cherish and will remember every moment of my time that I am blessed to have them here with me.
More to come .......................
Newest Pup-date .......February 19, 2009
I am behind in my usual pup-date reports and for that I do apologize to everyone who has been anxiously awaiting news about the puppies and their latest accomplishments as they grow up. Time just seems to slip by and their daily care has been my # 1 priority which leaves me with limited computer time so I hope that everyone understands my limitations.
The puppies were 5 weeks old this past Monday and they are growing rapidly and each day brings new observations about each newly developing personality. And though I begin now to see emerging traits that will very likely continue to be defined over the next few weeks, I also understand that they are changing daily as they attempt to find their place within their "pack". There are no hard and fast rules with regard to their overall personalities just yet. Observing them during play, as they eat and sometimes even as they sleep is an ongoing education.
It is most often why I explain to new owners the reasons why I feel each particular puppy is better suited to them and their families as well as their expectations for the activities they will enjoy with them. It is also why I do not allow myself to be pressured into choosing a particular puppy for a family even when some individuals try to indicate their preferences; sometimes subtlety and at other times rather strongly. Hopefully you have chosen me as your breeder for my expert knowledge of the breed,for the manner in which I raise these puppies, my honesty and straightforwardness and my good instincts when it comes to making the "right fit" for you and your family. I do not take any of this lightly and without a clear objective.
This litter has provided me with numerous individuals that will be well suited for great families who will love them and spoil them and enjoy their wonderful spirits for many, many years to come.
Picot ( I call her Little Lily) has rapidly taken on a personality much like her mother. She was rather quiet and somewhat reserved a few weeks ago but all of that has changed and she is now a very confident and out-going puppy. She is playful and always in the middle of any activity. She gives no grief.....nor does she take any. She has a "beauty spot" on her right cheek and a very distinctive face that just makes me smile when she looks at me. How fitting that Lily gave me a little clone of herself.
Cartier was very vocal at 2 weeks of age; always letting everyone know when something upset her apple cart. Now she is happy to just be a part of the pack and she enjoys playing and is a very middle-of-the- road individual. She is stable and affectionate and always....always happy. She has that "doll face" and is hard to resist when she sits patiently waiting to be hugged and cuddled. She is all about strutting and letting me know that she is "all that and more".
Mercier is a happy and very content puppy. She is the most reserved and readily plays with her siblings but also quite happy to sit and watch as they play without her. She is my "thinker" and finds time to sit on the sidelines as she is ever observant and a quiet little soul. She loves to be held and loved and seems most appreciative that you choose to pay her attention. She is truly an easy puppy to love. Her little body is so pretty and her beautiful face and head are un-mistakable. She has the ability to roll her eyes and look at you as if to say " I only want your love and nothing more."
Longine has the tail wag down great. She wags and she wags and her entire fanny gyrates as she gets excited over just about everything from eating to playing. She is a happy puppy; very outgoing and a bit more dominant in nature than her sisters. She is still trying to find her place in the structure of the pack order and I foresee that she will eventually become one of the more dominant in nature. That doesn't mean that she isn't a love bug but moreover it means that she has a great amount of self assurance and confidence and I doubt that she will ever lose those traits.
Movado is a handsome boy; the darkest in coloration right now. He is playful and currently a bit more low-key in nature. This could change easily over the next few weeks so I will be closely watching. He seems to be self assured, playful and eager to join in as everyone plays but he isn't the alpha puppy in his pack right now. And he seems to be quite content not to have that status. Numerous people seem to be drawn to him and I am not exactly certain why that is but sense that it is his color and markings. It isn't necessarily the best reason for liking a particular puppy but I do understand that we are drawn to certain puppies with our eyes only.
Rolex is Mr.Personality and has always enjoyed that title. He is very outgoing and very happy; always playful and entertaining. He first climbed out of his box at 2 weeks of age and he hasn't been anything but inquisitive and adventurous since. He is always aware of his surroundings, eager for affection and attention and he plays and interacts extremely well with all of his siblings. He has a lovely body for a puppy so young in that he appears that he will be a very stylish and handsome boy as he grows bigger. When he moves across his play area he is something to see.
Peugeot looks more like his father, Sparks, than any other puppy in the litter. He is quiet mannered and yet always playful and happy. His personality right now seems to be very balanced and he is not at all the most dominant figure within his litter but he seems to be confident in a more quiet manner. It is as if he doesn't feel the need to be assertive. I have watched as he takes the lead and initiates play but never appears to play a leading role. He seems to be very comfortable "in his own skin" and that is always a good thing to see. Peugeot is very handsome and structurally I am very drawn to his "style".
Inghram is a standout puppy; always strutting about his pen and always focused on attention and interacting with me. He has a quiet manner and while he doesn't ever appear to be bossy or over-bearing with the other puppies, he is definitely in control - at least for the time being. As all things are subject to change, this could as well. But my suspicion right now is that he will continue to be a very stylish, standout puppy who would easily catch a judge's eye. He is happy and always pleasant and he is a pretty, pretty fella. His structure is wonderful.
Corum is a puppy who loves attention. He is patient to wait until it is his turn and always willing to jump into my arms for a cuddle. He, like Inghram, is confident and he seems to be intent on placing himself somewhere in higher pack order, though as I cannot stress enough - that behavior can change within a day. Corum is a total package in that he is very stylish even at 5 weeks and he has a great personality to go with his looks. He too plays very well with his brothers and sisters and he instantly responds to anyone who reaches down to acknowledge his presence.
And so as the weeks ahead are bound to provide me with a much broader look into their world and I am eager to watch these beautiful spirits emerge as they surely will. I have already begun to see that this litter has wonderful shorthair characteristics and breed traits that will serve them well in their lives with their families. For now they eat, they play and they sleep; typically in that order but not always. They keep me laughing with their antics and amazed at their development day by day. Mother Nature never ceases to cause me to stop and be in wonder at how she programs these babies to know just what they are to do and when they are to do it. Life is a great adventure and theirs is just beginning. I am honored and humbled to be able to share these first weeks with such lovely and totally innocent creatures that I love so very, very much.
More to come in the very busy and active days ahead !! Labels: lily-sparks
New Breeding Announcement
  We are very happy to announce the breeding of
CH. Shomberg's Go Figure JH....."Cortina"
to a rising star in the shorthair breed.........
* Westminster Kennel Club 2008 - Best of Breed * AKC/Eukanuba National Championship 2008 - Best of Breed * German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Canada National Specialty 2008 - Best of Breed
Our expectation is that this combination will produce exceptional puppies that have the best traits of their dam and sire including their excellent shorthair type, correct structure and beauty as well as outstanding personalities. We will be placing these puppies in homes with families that can provide them with unlimited love, care and the opportunities to exhibit their wonderful versatility as great representatives of the breed.
Puppies are due........April 8th., 2009 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All health clearances on both parents are completed and available.
This litter should produce solid liver puppies and also liver, white & ticked coloration as well.
********** Reservations are strongly advised **********
Labels: cortina-duncan
"Simmer" is honored with an Award Of Merit At Westminster Kennel Club Show
We are very honored to announce an
CH. Shomberg's One Hot Ticket Deppe-Haus........"Simmer" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Simmer has been awarded the prestigeous Award Of Merit in the breed ring at the 133rd.Westminster Kennel Club Show held at New York's Madison Square Garden. We are appreciative that judge Ann Yuhaz recognized Simmer in this most prestigious manner and we continue to be extremely proud of the beautiful job of her handler, Pamela Bober, in presenting Simmer in the breed ring. She always looks exquisite !!!
Simmer is the daughter of our own National Specialty Champion and Multiple Best In Show winning CH. SHOMBERG'S SOME LIKE IT HOT ROM ( "Monroe" ) and CH.WYNDBOURNE ENDEAVOUR JH NRD ( "Shain") .........both the TOP PRODUCING DAM & TOP PRODUCING SIRE in the breed for 2007.
Congratulations to Grandma Patty, Grandma Sue and daddy Shain as well as to Simmer's owners Jim Deppen & Mimi Winkler of PA who are undoubtedly thrilled with this wonderful honor just as we are.
To Simmer & Pam.........."WooHooooo.........you go girls !!! " You always make us so very proud
2009 And Simmer Continues To Be Hot !!
Sand & Sea Kennel Club.....January 30, 2009 Best of Breed .......under Judge : Lester Mapes CH. Shomberg's One Hot Ticket Depp-Haus...."Simmer" ( CH.Wyndbourne Endeavour JH NRD x NSC/BIS/CH.Shomberg's Some Like It Hot ROM )
Boardwalk Kennel Club......January 31, 2009 Best of Breed ......under Judge : Richard William Powell
Owned and loved by James Deppen, Mimi Winkler and Sharon and presented beautifullyin the ring as always by her handler, Pamela Bober
"Simmer" continues to accrue Breed wins faster than they can be reported. In no way is it any less thrilling or exciting to watch this beautiful young bitch as she stands with presence in the ring and glides with such effortless and sound movement around it in true and correct shorthair style. She is simply breathtaking to watch !! We are so very proud of Pam and Simmer as they continue to represent us in such an outstanding manner. You go girls !!!!
Gunner is a New Champion !!!
New Champion !!!
* CH.Shomberg's Take Dead Aim ......."Gunner" ( * pending AKC approval) INT.CH./CH.Alajazz West Palm Beach JH x CH.Shomberg's Pawnee Love Song JH CGC )
Winners Dog and Best of Winners Saturday ...January 31, 2009 Boardwalk Kennel Club.....Judge : Richard William Powell
and Winners Dog and Best of Winners Sunday...February 1st, 2009 Boardwalk Kennel Club......Judge : William David Ashby
Gunner completed his championship having just turned 1 year of age on January 7th. and he did it in style with a Best of Breed Specialty win over ranked champions in his 3rd show and additional Breed and Sporting Group placements from the puppy class prior to his first birthday. Presented beautifully in the conformation ring by professional handler, Patty Crowley for his very proud owners ..Matt & Mclane Goard of VA. Some of you might remember that Gunner was also a *star* showcased on Animal Planet's Annual Puppy Games Show prior to the 2008 Super Bowl.
We are thrilled and very, very proud of this youngster who might very well have a promising career ahead as a "special" !!! Our sincere appreciation to Matt & Mclane for giving Gunner the opportunity to represent Shomberg in such an outstanding manner and to Patty, who as always, presents our dogs so beautifully and in such a professional way.
Pup-date - On The Shomberg "Timeless" Litter
February 3, 2009
The puppies are growing by leaps and bounds and they now have a "yard" that they are using enthusiastically. This new enclosure allows them much more freedom and also gives them a place to eliminate as they much prefer not to soil their bedding. It is amazing to watch how quickly they adjust to having this additional space and they freely stroll about the yard to stretch and play with their siblings that are now a part of their playtime.
Lily spends more and more time out of the box now but is never far and reacts quickly to a puppy's vocalization. She is ever observant and always attentive to their needs and she has easily been one of the best mothers that any breeder could hope to have. She is quiet and seems to enjoy her puppies as they crowd around her and walk underneath her measured steps; never bumping or stepping on anyone. She cleans them endlessly and lays in their midst as they crawl over and around her like a jungle gym. I watch her face and her expression as she watches each puppy and she seems to totally enjoy having them all around her. Most shorthairs make wonderful mothers in every sense of the word but there are some that are truly exceptional in every respect and that's our sweet Lily.
Last evening as they became 3 weeks old, I introduced them to puppy gruel. It's always an experience as I carefully watch them dip their noses into the warm liquid food for the first time. I do this individually for a few days to ensure that no puppy accidentally ingests food into their lungs through their nose. Once I'm sure that they know how to eat successfully, they will be introduced to the group feeding pan. That's always hysterical as they slip, slide and roll their way through the warm liquid; all the while managing to fill their bellies to satisfaction. It all culminates with a "group cleaning" session and mother is more than happy to help in the process. Mmmmm.....tasty goop that sticks to their fur like wallpaper paste but it does provide a good 15 minutes of mutual admiration and spontaneous licking. Steve and I laughed as they all just collapsed and slept for hours without moving as their tiny tummies were full satisfied.
We have watched them in these past days begin to "get their legs" and they are mobile beyond belief for only 3 weeks of age. Still just a bit wobbly but amazingly co-ordinated for being so small and so young, it is gratifying to watch them develop. Family members who visit often comment that they would never get anything done other than watch them as they are just great entertainment and cute beyond description. I have the luxury of being able to look into the box or their play yard throughout the day as I try to keep on schedule with other household obligations. Once they move into the kitchen at 5 weeks, life will not be the same for the next 3 weeks and so I take these short weeks to enjoy their antics and also the fact that their territory is somewhat regulated with an enclosure.
Steve and I are terribly happy with this litter and with their structure and conformation overall. They are beautiful puppies and though you always hope that the best traits of both parents will come through when you plan every breeding, sometimes even we are pleasantly surprised. This has been the case with this litter as we look at these puppies and know that they are so far above "average".... that most breeders would be thrilled to have even one or two of this quality in a litter. And here we have 9 absolutely fabulous puppies with wonderful shorthair traits and characteristics.
My sincere hope is that everyone who will be lucky enough to have one of these puppies share their life and their home will have a true appreciation for their quality and their beauty. Our goals in breeding any litter is to produce exceptional quality and the traits that make German Shorthairs such great family companions and to be remarkably beautiful to the eyes as they meet the breed standard. Even we feel that this litter has far surpassed our goals and hopefully a few will be afforded the opportunity to represent "Shomberg" in the conformation ring where their exceptional quality will be recognized and rewarded.
Stay tuned for my next installment at week # 4Labels: lily-sparks